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Tag Archives: Zakon o kasinu

Brazil – Odbor Senata će raspravljati o prijedlogu zakona o proširenju kockanja

The Senate’s Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) has a scheduled meeting for this Wednesday (17). The agenda includes 20 items, including a bill that could lead to the reintroduction of casinos in Brazil (PL 2234/2022) if approved. The draft of the law, which aims to allow for large scale casinos and other types of gambling,…

Brazil – Brazilski zakon o kockanju suočit će se s teškom bitkom u Senatu

Brazil’s Senate will begin debating gambling bill PL 2648/2019 which was approved by the Chamber of Deputies last week. Several senators have already spoken out against the initiative, saying that the liberalisation of the market will lead to social harm. The deputy leader of the government, Senator Carlos Viana was one of the critics according to…

Brazil – Zastupnički dom mogao bi ovog tjedna raspravljati o zakonu o kockanju

President of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira confirmed on Friday (11 February) that Gambling Bill 442/91 is on the legislative agenda and should be up for debate this week.  At a press conference Lira said that the Chamber would discuss the bill online, contrary to what had been requested by the evangelical caucus…

Brazil – Zastupnički dom Brazila mogao bi ovog mjeseca raspravljati o zakonu o kockanju

President of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira says that gambling legislation will be at the forefront of the parliamentary agenda now that the parliamentary recess has ended. In a meeting in Brasilia, held last week with the rapporteur for the proposal to regulate gambling Felipe Carreras, Lira stated that the project will be…

Brazil – Hitan zahtjev za raspravu o brazilskom zakonu o kockanju odobrenom u Zastupničkom domu

The Chamber of Deputies has approved the request to deal with bill PL 442/91, which legalizes casino and other types of gambling in the country, as a matter of urgency. The decision means that the law can now be voted on without going through committee stage. Despite opposition from the evangelical caucus the request for…

Brazil – Brazilski prijedlog zakona o igrama na sreću bit će podijeljen u tri dijela

Deputy Felipe Carreras, who is serving as rapporteur of the drafting of the new version ofBrazil’s gambling legislation in the lower house, could divide the bill into three different sections. The working group has been given 90 days to update the text of  Bill PL 442 /91 which is itself an amalgamation of as many…

Brazil – Kockanje bi moglo nadomjestiti smanjenje poreza na dobit u Brazilu

The rapporteur for the Senate Income Tax reform, Senator Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA) in Brazil has said that he is in favour of legalization of casinos in Brazil, as a way to increase federal tax collection for social welfare schemes. According to the senator, legalising gambling would also be a way to offset cuts in tax rates for companies,…

Brazil – Brazil President Bolsonaro set to veto gambling legislation

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has said he intends to veto the legalisation of gambling in Brazil. Despite recent moves in the Chamber of Deputies to update gambling Bill PL 442/91 so that it is enacted by the end of the year Bolsonaro said that that he would block it. Bolsonaro told press that supporters of…

Brazil – Brazilski senat mogao bi razmotriti prijedlog zakona o reformi igara na sreću

The President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, said that, depending on the approval of party leaders, the senate may look at proposals that would liberalise gambling rules and allow for an expansion of the market. Among the many gambling laws up for debate in the senate is a bill that that would allow for integrated…