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Tag Archives: Privatizacija

Njemačka – Utrka za posjedovanje Westspiel grupe sada je smanjena na tri tvrtke

Prodaja državne grupe za igre na sreću Westspiel sada je svedena na tri ponuditelja koji će sada dati svoje konkretne ponude, prema Ministarstvu financija. Europski postupak nabave za prodaju dionica tvrtke u WestSpiel grupi pokrenut je 18. prosinca pod upravom Warth & Klein…

Francuska – Narodna skupština odobrila je privatizaciju FDJ-a, ali država će zadržati 20 posto

The National Assembly in France has approved the privatisation of the Française des Jeux.although the Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, confirmed that the state would retain at least 20 per cent of the capital of the company. The deputies adopted the move by 48 votes for and 12 against approving the bill…

Španjolska – Sindikat Tenerifa protivi se privatizaciji kockarnica u državnom vlasništvu

Workers for three state owned casinos in Tenerife have come out in opposition of government plans to offer the casinos up for tender. In a unanimous decision workers from the three casinos that are currently run by the council have agreed to take action against the move as reported by the General Worker’s Union of…

Španjolska – Vlada Tenerifa rasprodaje tri kockarnice

The local council (Cabildo) of Tenerife is planning to sell three casinos in September with bidders needing to invest in other tourism related projects, as part of the tender. The winner will also need to guarantee job security for state employees for a period of two years. Juan Carlos Perez Frías, Director of the Council…

Spain – Tenerife’s state-owned casinos should not be privatised

Councillor from the Podemos (We Can) Party Julio Concepción has said that the casinos on the island of Tenerife were still making a profit despite the efforts of the present government to dismantle them. According to Concepción, the three casinos will report a profit of €2.1m this year adding that profits would have been much…

Urugvaj – Štrajkovi u Urugvaju zbog 'tajne privatizacije'

Uruguay’s National Federation of Gaming Workers went on strike for 24 hours in response to a new gaming law which is currently being debated in Uruguay which union leaders claim is being used to completely “secretly privatise” the gaming industry. According to the draft of the new law, the government seeks to create a new…

Italy –Venice lays down privatisation timescale

The City Council of Venice has agreed to sell its casinos with the goal of achieving new management through a public tender by the end of the year. The City Council has already approved the proposed resolution granting the service management of the Casino of Venice. It will be examined by board members by the end…

Grčka – prodaja imovine OPAP-a zakazana je za rujan

Češko-grčka tvrtka Emma Delta, koja planira kupiti 33 posto grčke državne grupe za igre na sreću OPAP za 652 milijuna eura, izjavila je da će posao ipak proći unatoč medijskim izvješćima da bi program privatizacije mogao biti u zastoju. Grčka vlada nastoji prikupiti prijeko potreban novac prodajom udjela. Novinski izvještaji sugerirali su…